Unleashing Your Inner Matriarch: Alexis and the Kundalini Yoga Revolution


28 August 2023

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Unleashing Your Inner Matriarch: Alexis and the Kundalini Yoga Revolution



In a world where yoga has become a mainstream fitness trend, Alexis stands at the forefront of a movement that goes beyond the physical and dives deep into the realm of the soul. As the founder of The Sanctuary, a renowned Kundalini Yoga School and Training Center headquartered in Sydney, Alexis has become an international mobilizer for women, inspiring them to connect inward, access their truth, and make a profound impact as the unique feminine matriarchal archetype they represent.

Alexis’s journey towards spiritual awakening and empowerment is a fascinating tale of courage, exploration, and self-discovery. Born out of a desire to align with her truth and master her energy, mind, body, and spirit, she embarked on a series of transformative experiences that would shape her into the formidable yoga teacher she is today.

Mount Everest Base Camp and Beyond:
Alexis’s quest for self-mastery took her to new heights quite literally, as she accomplished not just one, but two successful climbs to Mount Everest Base Camp. These physical feats served as a metaphor for her inner journey, symbolizing her ability to overcome challenges and embrace the unknown with unwavering determination and resilience.

The Kumbh Mela: A Western Woman Among Millions:
In a solo pilgrimage to the largest spiritual gathering of 100 million Hindus in India, known as the Kumbh Mela, Alexis found herself surrounded by millions of Hindu men as one of the few Western women in attendance. Undeterred by cultural barriers, she embraced the experience wholeheartedly, immersing herself in the rich tapestry of Indian spirituality and forging connections that transcended language and nationality.

Global Citizen, Local Impact:
Traveling solo to over 20 countries, Alexis embarked on a transformative journey of growth, learning, and global citizenship. Her wanderlust led her to diverse corners of the world, where she not only expanded her own horizons but also became a catalyst for positive change. Living in a rural village in India, she immersed herself in the study of Ayurveda under the guidance of a local doctor while co-facilitating The Beyond Foundation’s Women’s Empowerment Event. Alexis’s commitment to social outreach extended to teaching children, women, and local employees in rural South India as part of Corporate 360’s impactful initiatives.

Mentors and Masters:
Throughout her journey, Alexis has had the privilege of learning from revered spiritual teachers such as The Dalai Lama, Mooji, and Sri Bhagavan. These encounters provided her with invaluable wisdom and insights, further fueling her passion for personal growth and uplifting others along the way.

From Corporate to Kundalini:
Before embarking on her true calling, Alexis worked at the prestigious headquarters of Coca Cola & RSA in London. This corporate experience shaped her understanding of the modern world and inspired her to pursue a higher purpose beyond the confines of a nine-to-five job. It became the catalyst for her transformation into a beacon of light in the realm of Kundalini yoga.

A Commitment to Empowerment:
Alexis’s dedication to empowering women shines through in every aspect of her work. Through her workshops, retreats, and training programs held globally, she offers a sanctuary for women to connect with their inner strength, tap into their truth, and embrace their inherent power as the archetypal matriarchs of our time.

Alexis’s journey from a corporate career to a spiritual path of empowerment and awakening serves as an inspiration to all who seek a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them. Her unwavering commitment to personal growth, coupled with her vast knowledge and experience, makes her not just a teacher, but a beacon of light guiding others on their own transformative journey.

As Alexis continues to lead the Kundalini yoga revolution, she leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of women worldwide, empowering them to embrace their true essence and stand tall as the queens they were born to be.

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