The Sanctuary Australia - Yoga, Retreat and Wellness Center


Covid Safe


We have implemented new policies to ensure the wellness of our guests and staff and to ensure we exceed the NSW health guidelines.

We are making our Covid-Safe systems a mindfulness practice for all staff and guests. It’s a perfect opportunity to train ourselves to pay attention to our intentions!

  1. All yoga, meditation and workshops held in the main workshop space available – so twice daily yoga, a daily wellness workshop and then alternating evening meditation or movie are all being held but there is no chanting permitted.
  2. Due to dining room and kitchen restrictions we are unable to run our gut health and nutrition workshops – this affects Wed to Fri retreats only. Alternative workshops will be held instead.
  3. All common touch points cleaned multiple times per day by staff
  4. Offering ‘Covid-19 Reschedule Guarantee’ option at time of booking for $50 per room. This allows guests to reschedule due to Covid-19 symptoms, government restrictions or border closure at any time without penalty (normal terms require 14 days).
  5. All food served by staff from behind sneeze guard
  6. All food served by staff from behind sneeze guard
  7. All rooms, equipment and surfaces sanitized between each guest use
  8. Guests asked to bring own blankets and yoga props if required

Escape, Safely

Our retreat programs always include yoga, meditation and wellness workshops and operate according to strict 4m2 per guest and NSW government guidelines.

This means physical exercise classes are outside until stage 2 restrictions are lifted.

Hygiene As Mindfulness

We are asking all guests to set an intention on arrival to treat retreat hygiene as a form of mindfulness practice. Don’t worry – full training will be provided!

It is a great opportunity to practice paying attention to the common surfaces that we touch and then to sanitize those surfaces before and after.

Small Group Retreats

We are limiting our capacity for the immediate future to ensure maximum space for all our guests.

On arrival guests are allocated special timetables for workshops and meal times to ensure we maintain as much distance between guests as possible.

Our dorm share room is only available for private bookings until further notice.

CALL US NOW :(61)423 611 704
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