Wellness Getaway Stay Registration Form - The Sanctuary Australia - Retreat Sydney

Wellness Getaway Stay Registration Form

Wellness Getaway Stay Registration Form

Please describe if you gluten intolerant or vegetarian etc

I agree to the following:

1. The information I have provided on this form is complete and accurate.

2. I understand that participating in an exercise class involves risk of injury; I agree to be solely responsible for any injuries sustained by me as a result of my participation in this workshop or any future workshops I take at The Sanctuary. I am fully aware of the risks involved.

3. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in any workshops offered at The Sanctuary. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and have no medical conditions that would prevent me from participation in any wellness workshops. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur because of participating in any wellness workshops. I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly, waive any claim I may have against The Sanctuary for injuries or damages that I may sustain because of participating in their wellness workshop and retreats.

* Leave blank if you dont have the date yet

7 Columbine Close • Loftus, NSW 2232 +61 0423 611 704 The Sanctuary

Parking your car and finding your way :

Your first preference for parking is on the front of the property in one of our two drive ways. Alternatively, if this is full, please drive up the street and turn right up Eighth Avenue for 100 metres until you see the grass area on the right-hand side to park. Alternatively, drive up the street as if leaving The Sanctuary and turn left towards Fifth Avenue for 100 meters and park at the grass area on the left just before the Camp Wanawong entrance. And simply walk down to the front door of The Sanctuary to enter.

For your comfort,

Wear clothing that somewhat forms to the body and moves with you. You may wish to wear layers as your body temperature will likely change during practice, warming during the more active phases and cool during the restful phases.
You may also wish to bring a blanket for extra comfort during the meditation portion of the class.

You contribute to the experience.

Please refrain from wearing perfume or other strong scents to class. Turn off cell phones or make them completely silent, in other words no vibration. Remove shoes at the front door before entering the house.
If you use a studio mat, also use the wipes provided to clean it before returning it to the rack. Blankets should be folded neatly when returned to the rack. Be on time to workshops.
If you intend to miss a workshop, please email info@thesanctuaryaustralia.com.
Refunds will not be offered.
For special offerings and class schedules and cancellations, please email info@thesanctuaryaustralia.com

Your safety and well-being

You are responsible to make us aware of any medical conditions or physical concerns you may have in general and on the day of your workshop. Please also advise of any essential oil allergies.
The Sanctuary teachers will offer guidance and accommodations based on this knowledge. It is your responsibility to keep yourself safe and injury free. Use your own wisdom and knowledge of your body to adjust during your practice. This is YOUR practice and is intended to benefit you and address your needs. You always have a choice. You decide what’s right for you.

CALL OR SMS US NOW :(61)423 611 704
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